Day 11

Monday, February 17th

John 14:26, NIV

But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you.

You've decided to start reading the Bible; and now you have questions. Where do I start? What version should I read? Do I read in the morning or at bedtime? What if 1 miss a day? What about...

First bit of advice: Relax. The main thing to remember is why you are reading the Bible: It is so you can know God better. It's about spending time with God.

Even if you just start with Psalm 23, because you're familiar with that, and you read nothing but that everyday, that's fine. After a while, when you face a crisis, you'll remember, "I will fear no evil, for You are with me." When you face temptation, you'll hear the Holy Spirit whisper, "He leads me in paths of righteousness for His name's sake." And eventually, you'll probably want to venture on to something else; maybe Genesis, or Matthew, or Philippians.

As you read the Bible, using whatever method or plan you feel comfortable with, remember this: you are not alone! Your Advocate, the Holy Spirit, will be there with you. That's a comforting promise Jesus gave His disciples at the Last Supper.

The Holy Spirit won't teach you the meaning of the original Hebrew word, or explain the ancient cultural significance of a particular custom, but He will help you learn and grow as you spend time with God.

Think about it...

What do I need to do to make sure I have time to read the Bible each day?

Am I willing to do what I need to do to make sure I have time to read the Bible each day?

Take a moment to be with God

Holy Spirit,

As I open my Bible, I ask You to open my heart and mind. Help me to hear what God is saying to me. Help me to learn what God is teaching me. Come with me as I go through the day, and help me to live as God wants me to live.