Psalm 27:8, New Living Translation
My heart has heard You say, "Come and talk with Me."
And my heart responds, "LORD, I am coming."
Daily devotions. Time with God. Morning Prayer. Or for some people, Evening Prayer. Often when the idea of regular personal time with God is discussed, it is presented as an obligation. "Real Christians, who really love Jesus, will make a point of doing daily devotions." Doesn't sound particularly inviting or appealing, does it?
Rules, even good rules, are hard to follow when the only reason you do it is because it's a rule. What changed my attitude about daily time with God, what made me want to do it, was a realization. In Psalm 27:8, when God said, "Come and talk with Me," and in Matthew 11:28, when Jesus said, "Come to Me," it's not the principal saying, "I want to see you in my office!" It's not dad saying, "Go to your room, and wait for me, we need to talk!"
It's not a threat, it's an invitation.
It's God. The God who created you. The God who loves you so much that He left His heavenly throne, and became a human so He could die for you, so you could be reconciled to Him. He died so that He could say to you, "Come and talk with Me."
It's an invitation to come pour out your heart before Him (Ps. 62:8). It's an opportunity for Him to tell you about the path ahead (Prov. 3:6), or a least the next step or two you need to be prepared for. It's an opportunity for you to know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge.
Let your heart respond, "LORD, I am coming."
Think about it...
Why is personal time with God important?
Take a moment to be with God
Ask God to help you learn to truly seek Him, and seek Him with all your heart.
Jeremiah 29:13 NIV
You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.
Ask God to show you how to make a time and a place for you to be with Him.