Matthew 7:24, NIV
Therefore everyone who hears these words of Mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock.
There is a lot of stuff in the Bible. For example, there are a lot of stories.
Some stories are parables, which are stories that teach a lesson. Sometimes parables tell the kind of story we're used to, like The Prodigal Son. But sometimes, parables are more like an object lesson.
At the end of the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus uses an object lesson. He says that when you apply His teaching to the way you live, it's like building a house on a rock, a solid foundation. But if you choose to ignore His teaching, it's like building a house on sand, there's no foundation.
When it comes to building our spiritual house, progress can be hard to see. Is all this praying, Bible reading, church attending, and waiting for God really making a difference? Yes, it is. You may not know much about building houses, but Jesus does. His earthly father
was a carpenter, and His Heavenly Father created the universe. And John1:3 says, "without Him (Jesus) nothing was made that has been made." Keep trusting Jesus. Keep doing what you know to do. And Jesus will keep teaching you the next step when you're ready for it.
The man who built his house on the rock is not wise because of his vast knowledge of structural engineering. He is wise because he trusted the Ultimate Builder. His foundation is no ordinary rock, it is the everlasting Rock. (Isaiah 26:4)
Think about it...
As you look back over the last year, what growth or changes can you see?
God is always the source of growth and change, but as you consider how you've grown, was there something or someone who contributed to that growth? Like maybe a book, a sermon, a mentoring friend, or developing a new habit of daily time with God. ("A new habit of daily time with God" is a subtle hint about how to encourage spiritual growth.)
Take a moment to be with God
Ask God to show you areas where He can help you to grow.
"Show me the way to go, for to You I entrust my life." Psalm 143:8b, NIV